Hmm.. Bodohnya….

Ga tau apa gw harus ngerasa kecewa atau penasaran atau sakit hati atau marah atau sedih atau ngerasa puas karena terbukti benar atau gimana… I’ve known the truth all along.. But somehow, when see things like that, I still cringe.. Still feel the pain.. Hmm, maybe not pain.. More to anger.. Sebel kenapa gw tuh dianggep segitu begonya.. Kesel kenapa gw kok kayaknya diperlakukan spt itu.. Dan marah ama keadaan yg ngebuat gw harus berpikir 1000x sebelum bertindak apa2.. dan unfortunately, at this present of time, gw emang lagi ngga bisa bergerak atau berbuat apa2 sama sekali.. Gw udah terima.. Gw udah ngga nuntut apa2.. Do whatever he wants.. I’m not gonna care.. Just leave me alone.. Stop hurting me.. But still, apparently it is too much to ask.. Don’t know what else to do.. He asked for a chance to get to know each other again, i was – and still am- really hesitant even to just think about that.. but somehow i managed to try to give him a chance, but it obviously required me to open my heart a little bit and give him benefit of the doubt.. but this is what he does?? Don’t know who or what should I hate the most!!!!!

Anyway, better go to sleep.. Big day tomorrow.. And the rest of the weekend..

Happy weekend everybody.. GBU..